Monday, July 13, 2009

Ye' Drink To Celebrate?

Nay, I said. I drink to hide. To cry. To fill myself with guilt, and regret. I drink because it hurts, because I want to drown out the pain. So Monsieur Fluex, did you say you drink to Celebrate? Then Let me toast my glass to your happiness, For my pain is not apt to your well.

That was a part i liked from a book i was reading last year, the Valhalla exchange by jack classic. It's a statement , but really he had issues. I drink to celebrate! :D So today after shopping in pyramid with sis, she drove us to ss2 to get some alc, mum wanted so i thought what a good time to get that sweet red wine from xmas last year. Then, i saw them, things i've always wanted to have. And, i bought them! whee. here they are. Shot glasses!! Whee! Kev, you and me pal..gimme a late night ring kay? hahaha we c
an talk abt the kids, the job, the etc.

Okay before i end the post. Ms. Cawl wrote a whole essay about chindians, and wtf, we need to clear a few things up, ms booty.
1. We are not egoistic. (maybe 10%) unlike you pures.
2. We are damn fun people, that i agree. But not sick. sad and twisted, How Dare You. Bitch
3. Not ALL mixed genes turn out well.
4. Kudikaran, MEMANG! :D
5. ahem. itu bukan salah kita. itu hormones namanya.
6. Strip poker, fair enough. But we never play Strip Scrabble! what!?

I'm gonna write about you snobbish, rich pure people =D no offence, biatch, we hearts yous.

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