Saturday, January 2, 2010

Motherfucker. =)

I know. I had you at the title. Haha. So what's happening in the new year already? Well, pretty much nothing. I was so driven to believe that sem would start on the 4th like the school kids, but we're starting on the 11th. What the fuck, that's another week to be bored to death by. On a brighter note, i get to fool around a lil' bit more. Here's something random. I have been telling myself to get a fucking haircut since like, forever. But, I was lazy, and the people around me, majority of them told me not to cut it. In a very cina-ish slang, 
" so how? ". Motherfucker. Another random statement. I learned the word motherfucker while watching Die Hard movies. =D

Added December 30, 2009 ·  · 
Justin Sim
Justin Sim 
i want u to have this hairstyle when i get back. hahaha
Yesterday at 1:18am · 
Adrian Tan
Adrian Tan 
lmao seriously?? haha i'll try lar dudeeee like damn weird oni
Yesterday at 1:49am · 

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