Hello blogging community, it's that time again, I'm due an update. So i've got more pictures and videos to show you guys more than I have to crap about, so we'll dive straight into the action. To begin with, the week was partially crap. Music, friends, rotaract and my other half Twjy seems to be the only thing fueling me. Econs exams was okay, I pretty much dug a grave all through math. Can you blame me? I've been having a lot of fun recently, and tried my best to make it all up via ' burning the midnight oil ' and staying up to study. haha! haven't used that since my ol' spm days. Management exams was pretty smooth. Oh but I got full marks for English and that's never happened in DBAD. haha can you blame me? I suspect that story essay played some huge part. Which bring about the next topic, Ally. Ally is a strange girl. She's paranoid that i'll be u.s bound faster than her, ahaha! the race is on. So anyway, Ally and Mag were heading to math on thurs and some snatch thief attacked them, resulting in Mag losing her handbag, and everything in it, except her phone which was in her jeans pocket. We guys were at Jack's place, so we couldn't really help. On the way to class ourselves, crossing over from AC to the class blocks, some kenari frigging hit this chinese dude, and smashed into his knee. His scream was bone chilling. But we had math exam so we couldn't really kepo too much. Gunn tryin to console Mag after the incident. I like the pic though. Very twilighty material. lol
Friday. No coll, naturally, but decided to teman Fel and Xin to pyramid to buy Nat's gift, and Nat came along too. Believe it or not I couldn't find my way to bodyshop, i got lost. hahaha. I called kev over from sunway since he finished class already, and the 5 of us had lunch at canton I. huge place, gave us a huge table. food was okay. Nat was sick but she had some pork intestine kongee, which was hilarious. haha. They dragged me and kev to Forever 21 and wtv other girlie shop u can name. we look so unbelonging in shops like that. lol but it was fun seeing what they browsed for. In the end, fel and xin agreed on a black bag for nat worth at 150 plus i think. After getting her the gift, me and kev scooted off home via justin and decided to practice for the Earth Hour acoustic & unplugged event and coll. It started around 7, and trust me, it was a very nice, cosy, and intimate event by us rotaracts and intimas for earth =) here are the pics. The event was pretty much Mr. Amir's idea.(right) view of the rotaract/intima family and the candle-lit stage we the BLB performing with Nic for company That ronan keating song again. reunited LOL In all honesty, it was pretty enjoyable. I think, rotaract and intima plus mr. amir is/what 132 was for me. we're all passionate about what we do, and i think i've got that feeling again. After the event, lights went back on, and Ben came to me and was like, ' this wed, meeting, formal, bring your new board members, its procedure'. lol i was like wtf? I haven't even found the right board members. But now it's safe to say i already have :D. oh. random pic. Random snap. Anyway, yeah, back to board members. Ben, sus, nat, xin, fel, raymond, prash, kristy, you guys are gonna be really hard to replace, and i sure as hell will miss you people lar. So far, i called pauline up on saturday morning to see if she was interested. Thank god she was willing. See, hehe back in 07, she and her sidekick, lupa nama, by msn nama is honeychan, was in english society, and they were forcing me to join so they could offer me a high post. But for some reason i refused. Oh well. Now i'm repaying the favour pauline! :) and trust me rotaract's cert is a huge deal. So from there i branched out my board members from the aups and the mass comm, and i'll definitely have IZZY IN THERE! :D iZZY you can be the adult entertainment director or something lol! okay keeping it clean. Meeting this wed, we're all pumped. Bring it world.
Saturday, the fun starts. EARTH HOUR. let me say it again. Earth Hour was fun. Me and kev walked to 7/11 to begin with, buy candy bars and walked home, just to see the neighborhood. lol. thenn, got the gang and headed to usj6 bball park! okay. Black Light Banquet played two songs unplugged, in conjunction with earth hour. Here they are :) Peter & Jane unplugged. Don't Trust Me cover.
And that was fun. I has half drunk and singing away. pretty cool. hahaha. And we were doing all kinds of crap, so we wanted to do this ' walk to the cam and boo!' thing, but kevin kept screwing up the que!
hahaha it's dumbfucking funny NEXT, we had thurai act like he was playing the guitar, and lipsync to what i was singing. Lol it got funny when he cracked up.
Thurai was soo good with the lip sync, later in the mamak we had him do it again. In fact, we had everyone try it. LOL THURAI JUSTIN BRAD WULF KEVIN
LOL and oh. the voice for all of them, done by me HAHAH WHEEEEE! :D funfunfun. After mamak, we went to check out my old house in usj2. i miss that place. then, we went to check out the haunted hill. at 2am! wtf rite. haha but they modernized it, so all the old rape/murder pondoks were gone. no shit. we took a pic up there for proof of visit anyway!
Okayy then. so that was the recent updates, i've got tons more trust me, but i'll update again midweek. i've got class tmrw morning, and i'll need sleep. so yeah. Goodnight.
This is going to be a very long update =) cool? cool. Backtrackin' to last Friday. It was some show in all honesty, and when i woke up on saturday morning, i still had the balance adrenaline. Which was always a good sign, which meant saturday was either going to be really wild, crazy or both. Turned out, it was more to dreamland than that. A week earlier, Gerald of Beat The System and i had talked about the possiblity of he being our band's part time manager. You know, push us into shows, publicity, exposure and all. And he's done a great job already. Getting us into GOssip Penang was unreal. So, he asked me to bring the guys and follow him down to PJ to go see Mario's Psycho Anthem record their latest song, Hidden Camera. nice name. And guess where? 21 .05 Productions. Okay, in other words, JD of Pop Shuvit's studio. Pretty awesome that we actually managed to hang around the studio. We met up with Gerald around 6pm, all 4 of us jumped into his tricked out Civic, which had a dvd player and it's screen hanging on the latch of the passenger seat, so we were all watching transformers while on the way. OMFG MEGAN FOX!! coldshower. Okay, hahaha. Gerald was kinda watching and driving at the same time, his head turning left and back like every 3 seconds. lol which was funny really. Did i mention his in-car light was a blacklight? super coolness. Reached i-can't-remember-where and had dinner at a place called killinie i think. When Mario and his gf plus Ocu arrived, Mario thought he heard Gerald say over the phone, KillingMe. We all burst out laughing at that. Mario and Ocu are like the funniest people in music i've ever known. Not to mention they kick ass. Reached the studio after dinner, which was at Taman Tun, and met JD for the first time. Whoa, not the person i used to see in shuvit's music videos and concerts, he looks like the average chinese guy on the street! haha! But looking around the studio, no doubt, that's the Shuvit's axeman. The hitz.fm artist of the year awards More Shuvit awards
So we got a tour of the studio, and learned how things worked, who and what went first, the metronome's importance, and of course, pure fun and cock talk in-studio. Hahaha there was this incident involving some art on the walls, but it's just between us BLB, Mario and Gerald. Something about Moots opening his mouth. Anyway, PA's drummer went into the drum track room to track the drums, and we watched from the other side, while listening via the speakers. Gosh the studio equipment rocks. Drum tracking going on and i sneaked a pic
After the drums were finished, Mario and Ocu both recorded guitars and bass over the drums. It took a long time to set up the guitar, but it was fun and funny as hell watching them dish out sarcasm. Laughed a lot in that studio. Wonder what JD thinks about us lol. So i walked around, looked behind a door and saw a stack of JD'S gig tags As such, the tag for Asian Beat. Mario and his big behind. Rig view from the bean bag. Did i mention i love beanie bags?
It took 4 hours and RM300+ to record Hidden Camera, but in the end, Psycho Anthem would be pretty satisfied, and we're extremely lucky to have had a first hand look at how studio life was. Me and the guys can't pretty much wait to get started ourselves, but it'll take lots of work effort and time. We're doing it anyway :) Nice amps, decking the walkways.
We went to have supper with all three bands at some mamak down a few streets. We kept quiet while listening to Gerald and Ocu have a go at various topics, such as, criticizing a few bands, and such. More to laugh about. Finally left P.A P.S around 1 something i think, and Gerald sent us back to our car. Went home, and slept i think? Sunday morning. We, includes Kev,Brad, Beng and Thurai, headed to Ikano area/the curve for two reasons. Bubba Gump and Bentley Music! Had awesome lunch at this fantastic pimpy shrimpy shop. No try you rugi i tell you. We ate up to rm200 bucks. Pretyy crazy i know. Then left for courts mammoth, where bentley's was. And that, was heaven. Saw pretty much every guitar at every price, all except My baby Emily and Epiphone :( It was fun browsing though. My other options would be that Santa Cruz Les Paul for about 600 bucks or a squire tellycaster for about the same price. And that would be the end of the weekend. The week, started off with a holiday, thank gawd, and had breakfast on monday morning with the girl who lives a school away. It's always a great thing to see her, but seeing her would mean i'll end up having a great day. Or great week. So it proved true. Tuesday, was English essaying, and there was this fun segment where Pn Suseela made us sit in a large round circle. We were puzzled and thought this was gonna be a campfire game. She gave us some paper, and asked us to write a beginning of a story. And we did, and every time the timer goes off, we have to pass the paper to the person on the right, who would continue the story for us. And when your own paper comes back to you, you're supposed to end it.( we had 3 mins each round) Being a person who writes stories on a regular basis (hehe =D) i was pretty much up for the challenge, but my fucking retarded classmates! lol omg! Ruined my story by a hundred fold. I ruined theirs in return too of course. It was so crappy, I have to type it out here. lol! Okay, sentences ONLY In RED are what i wrote. so yeah. every time the timer goes off, i mark the next sentence with a *
" My Heart Skipped A beat. This could not be happening. she slowly got off the chair and made her way to the lampshade, switching it off. So there we were, standing alone in the dark reading room, our eyes adjusting to the sight of each other, the only source of light was the moonlight, shining through the window. I could see her face clearly now. Dark brown eyes, pale lips, she slowy made her way towards me .* she die in the room.she was bleeding and fall down to the floor. * Why her want to leave me alone? we can continue our relationship, but she is dying. what am i supposed to do now? i want her so bad my heart was so hurt. i couldnt forgive myself. * i wish i can turn back the time and tell her about my feelings. why she so stupid and commit suicide? i love her. we can solve the problem together. why she chose to die? (lmao isac!). * At least she should have told me what she wanted from me before she went nuts. A kiss, hug, or a night with me? or anything else. * she even said she want to make love to me all night long, whenever she drunk she feel horny like a horny frog. i can't accept all this because it doesn't work on me. (lmao veno). * after a few years, it work. i want her horniness back, i am so itchy. i need her hole. please give me. i need it. (lmfao either hafiz or ganesh.)* She said she is not amazed by it. I quickly tie her hands and leg to the bed. * Oh my god it was just a dream. everything. i woke up, washed up to get rid of the image, and decided to go to the fish market.(tq for saving it, whoever u are). * i wanted to buy dead fishes for my cute lil fish tank, youuuuu! (hahaha alicia!?). * areee crazzzy! i told myself, so i wanted to go get some drug. so i passed a backstreet. * ( and this point, it came back to me, i noticed a lot of ppl skipped my paper cause the story was fucked up. lol. ). * And i saw her again. I froze, and suddenly everything around me started to warp, the surroundings and scenes were changing, my head felt heavy and dizzy. I closed my eyes, inhaled, and reopened them. There we were, back in the reading room again. Dark, silent and i could only hear our intake of breaths. Dejavu. I pinched myself. It hurt, and i concluded this IS real. She was still advancing towards me. I didnt wait, i moved towards her too. time is short they say? We held eye contact. Inches away now. Our warm lips met. I found my paradise. "
- the end -
hahahaha! it was so screwed up, pn. suseela actually picked mine for reading cause of the way i ended it. cool. That was tuesday. on Wed, there was a rotaract meeting before class, and did a post mortem for the event, financially too. It was during this meeting that Ben actually told the rest of the board that i'll be assisting Fel till the end of the sem. oh happy bday ben! and Ben asked me if I wanted to chairperson the IntiBall . HAHA! considering =) We're gonna organize an end of sem trip too, for the board, not sure when or what. But we're planning island. Xin and I agreed on Bali. Natalie wants genting, i forgot about susan. Ben wants genting i think? LOL anything lar people, just as long as its with you guys. And cheap, cause i'm a little broke. hahaha. Rest of the week was okay. Friday came along, ffked izzy and boonthong and the guys at starbucks, fixing the econs thing. Cause i wanted to see jyen off and go to the matta fair with chee yan and kev and beng. The matta fair was fun. Nyehe planning our gang trip soon. Either in june or july, and its gonna be another island adventure. fun fun fun can't wait! :) Oh and, walked in 7/11 to grab a honey drink for my throat and stumbled upon the last le gardenie. And its what i'm reading, over and over. from 1-4
Oh, and here are some balance pics from the greenX concert :)
Yup, that's about it. 3 pic from last, is pretty unique. I'm surrounded by the Topshop Twins. haha! justin and nic. And prash looks damn cute in that pic. The rest is just, the board, and well, my band. Sad ending =(
Saturday!! and the majority of it was spent in megamall. Drove there with beng. Oh wait. did i mention i have a brand new myv? lol! well now you know. Be nice and say hello =) But don't you dare touch that ass.
Beng thought i'd look funny driving to megamall.
Reached there, and the purpose was just to browse for future hunnayys. Instrument upgrades i mean. I went to see emily, and there was only two of her left! i panicked. i did pay a 100 bucks deposit for a hard case la. silly me. so yupp. that was saturday. And today, drove a jaguar. Don't ask. Owner is a guy with white hair. Studied, and now just lazing around. Currently, music this month is fellowwinnggg baybeh. Wrote about 2 new songs For BLB. Just A Lil Wax and sumthn sumthn haha! Next post i'll reveal. And this month, i've been listening to A Day To Remember. Pretty awesome band. Check out songs like, You Had Me At Hello, Have Faith In Me, If It Means A Lot To You and my fave I'm Made Of Wax, Larry, What Are You Made Of =) lol. i actually used that for the band name for the upcomming seafield IU. oh yeah, all you seafield leo peeps. get ready for one hell of a show. nyeheh. Final notes of the week, to 132, congrats for making it up korbu. again, happy bday ben! and hafiz! sorry izzy and e.inc! and finally, tan wong jyen yiee, i miss you so damn much, can't wait till you get back home here safely. =)
Very precise choice of words, it was awesummmmmmmm. After all the hardwork of setting up and making sure all the performances was alright, it turned out great, crowd was great and finally our own performance was killer i hope. Started out the day setting up. Till about 3pm, the rest of the band arrived at inti. They hung around and helped out a bit here and there. Thanks guys. Guests started arriving around 7, and soon after, the show begin. All the performances was great. The mcees, nick and natalie, who is the organizing chairperson, you guys were fantastic. The dance crew Sinthetic, pretty slick. Best dance crew i've seen, doing that couples thing. forget them jabbas. The Chew family! You guys can dance man! lol izzy your bro is so damn cute. All the ladies gave their hearts to him, damn jealous sial haha. Then finally after all the stress of making sure the stage and the equip was all set ( yeah they made me head o stage crew ), it was time for the closing act, us, BLB. And. We played two songs . They wanted an encore, so we gave them one. =) the crowd was great la, and big shout of thanks and love to NATALIE , XIN AND EVERYONE WHO CAME OUT 1ST! lol that got the party started. Thanks to Ben too who kept telling the world i was gay via the walkie talkie. Which i am not btw. Had to go around asking girls to speak into my walkie telling band i wasnt gay. ahaha. makan tu! In the end, everyone enjoyed themselves, so did we, without further due, pics and vids =)
sinthetic crew mus the chew family! izzy and bro izzy...your bro..damn..cute. and he can dance man here we go. vice pres susan and i. she asked me if she looked like a beer girl. wt! lol no, of course not. gang and xian jin xin and i us and o.c natalie!! thnx for a great event. and scream louder at the front during the next show xp ahaha
And now, the videos we played peter and jane, cookie jar, and they wanted an encore, so..we gave them secret valentine =)
Super-duper scrumptious awesome brilliant fantastic mesmerizing amazing story cut short, Penang last weekend was a ride worth a lifetime. Musically that is. We had so much fun, not only playing, but hanging out with the other artists, the hitz,fm mo crew and everyone else. Fun times. So we left friday morning, reached around 5pm, we picked up Hilmi from the docks, and headed for soundcheck. First and foremost, the stage is awesome. Like simply heaven for us ameteur bands. Marshall and Mesa Boogie for me and Kev. We just grinned la. haha. The sound guys are the same people who set up for Rock The World VII. We stayed at YMCA Penang, and on sunday morning, at 3am precisely, we filmed a zombie movie! muahaha. Okay. words and recounts don't do justice. Here are the pics, and a couple of videos. Well. If you were wondering, theres no need for it. Take a peek into my life. musically.
DAY 1. showtime me entertaining the guys on the way our gear. justin lickin some shit looking crap waitng in line kev v doing what he does. me and brad justinnn " ladies and dumbmen, kev v will sing u a nursery rhyme! ANDDD heres a sneak peek of what we played, the brand new ass kicking Peter & Jane
DAY 2. its still showtime.
us and gossip crew before the storm again yes. i WAS taking the pic for FREE TO FALL! FREE TO FALL! our chick band friends mcd
mario and psycho anthem us and marion after his show
us and p/t manager gerald after his bts show
us and me long time penang lari buddy =) she touched herself? cindy sumthn
us and JJ frm the HITZ,FM MO CREW!! BTS ROCKS! BLB AND OUR MUM DAY 3. FAREWELL. the making of
And well. like i said. movie made, here it is. =) And please, do laugh your balls off.
Okayyyyyy. Thats about it. But wait uppp. Its GREENEVOLUTION CONCERT TODAY!! and yes BLB, we're playing. so more updates next hehe. but we'd like to thank everyone at gossip, bts and our friends and those who supported us for making it all happen. thanks!
Here, is watssup.
right. thats the booklet. kristy did a great job with the program leaflets =) so ppl. do come kay. thnx for the support.
NOW moving on to today. fell sick in class i guess. And then had that IU audition at seafield with waichun. sang thunder and secret valenting, me and justin did harmonies for both. acoustic. bet they never saw that before. hahaha. damn dumb la. wonder if we got in. tak penting. gossip johor next! huger than ever. then went to rehearsals with a sore throat, but managed to sing it all. hehe. our secrret song is gonna kick ass tmrw. u wont know less you come =)