Friday. No coll, naturally, but decided to teman Fel and Xin to pyramid to buy Nat's gift, and Nat came along too. Believe it or not I couldn't find my way to bodyshop, i got lost. hahaha. I called kev over from sunway since he finished class already, and the 5 of us had lunch at canton I. huge place, gave us a huge table. food was okay. Nat was sick but she had some pork intestine kongee, which was hilarious. haha. They dragged me and kev to Forever 21 and wtv other girlie shop u can name. we look so unbelonging in shops like that. lol but it was fun seeing what they browsed for. In the end, fel and xin agreed on a black bag for nat worth at 150 plus i think. After getting her the gift, me and kev scooted off home via justin and decided to practice for the Earth Hour acoustic & unplugged event and coll. It started around 7, and trust me, it was a very nice, cosy, and intimate event by us rotaracts and intimas for earth =) here are the pics.

In all honesty, it was pretty enjoyable. I think, rotaract and intima plus mr. amir is/what 132 was for me. we're all passionate about what we do, and i think i've got that feeling again. After the event, lights went back on, and Ben came to me and was like, ' this wed, meeting, formal, bring your new board members, its procedure'. lol i was like wtf? I haven't even found the right board members. But now it's safe to say i already have :D.
oh. random pic.

Anyway, yeah, back to board members. Ben, sus, nat, xin, fel, raymond, prash, kristy, you guys are gonna be really hard to replace, and i sure as hell will miss you people lar. So far, i called pauline up on saturday morning to see if she was interested. Thank god she was willing. See, hehe back in 07, she and her sidekick, lupa nama, by msn nama is honeychan, was in english society, and they were forcing me to join so they could offer me a high post. But for some reason i refused. Oh well. Now i'm repaying the favour pauline! :) and trust me rotaract's cert is a huge deal. So from there i branched out my board members from the aups and the mass comm, and i'll definitely have IZZY IN THERE! :D iZZY you can be the adult entertainment director or something lol! okay keeping it clean. Meeting this wed, we're all pumped. Bring it world.
Saturday, the fun starts. EARTH HOUR. let me say it again. Earth Hour was fun. Me and kev walked to 7/11 to begin with, buy candy bars and walked home, just to see the neighborhood. lol. thenn, got the gang and headed to usj6 bball park! okay. Black Light Banquet played two songs unplugged, in conjunction with earth hour. Here they are :)
Peter & Jane unplugged.
Don't Trust Me cover.
And that was fun. I has half drunk and singing away. pretty cool. hahaha. And we were doing all kinds of crap, so we wanted to do this ' walk to the cam and boo!' thing, but kevin kept screwing up the que!
hahaha it's dumbfucking funny
NEXT, we had thurai act like he was playing the guitar, and lipsync to what i was singing.
Lol it got funny when he cracked up.
Thurai was soo good with the lip sync, later in the mamak we had him do it again. In fact, we had everyone try it. LOL
LOL and oh. the voice for all of them, done by me HAHAH WHEEEEE! :D funfunfun.
After mamak, we went to check out my old house in usj2. i miss that place. then, we went to check out the haunted hill. at 2am! wtf rite. haha but they modernized it, so all the old rape/murder pondoks were gone. no shit. we took a pic up there for proof of visit anyway!

Okayy then. so that was the recent updates, i've got tons more trust me, but i'll update again midweek. i've got class tmrw morning, and i'll need sleep. so yeah. Goodnight.
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