Three songs that flew by in no time. Besides all the minor moments, we had fun, it was awesome and the crowd was awesome. I'll update in full later, before midnight. Sneak peek? haha full video performance and pics, plus history of all that we've been thru. =) meantime. just random pics here and there i've been meaning to upload but never found time. sorry.
thurai fell asleep on my couch while watching harry
my current addiction =) 3 layer tea.
bernard with his mojito at mos for the first time. lol
at the installation, no wjy =(, but there were the red tie affairs.

Midnight basketball and mamak sessions and everything under the moon! haha. this is ' the gang'. And oyhh to all u ppl reading right, confirm pd trip attendance and pay the fees to bernard please. update cming sssoon.
ch ch ch check no.
ch ch ch check no.
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