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Tic Tac Toe =) How Far Do We Go?
Whee. Got rid of maths today. One paper down, just three more to go, before sem break, and a much deserved self-destroying period. Haha. In 2007, I made the fatal mistake of having 2 livita's within 3 hours, and i frigging O.D.ed in class, right before Physics paper 3. I was shaking in my seat. It was quite a nasty experience. ....Two years later, you'd think i've learnt my lesson. Negative. I woke just in time, left forr coll, skipped breakfast, passed by 7/11, caught sight of alicia and veno in there, so i doubled back and headed in. To my own regret, me two feet led me to the refrigerator, and of all the drinks on the rack, and it was a nice rack btw, I had to pick the livita with honey from taisho! Damn It. LOL! But ahh well, i lacked sleep, so I let the liquid flow down my throat and enter the confines of my tummy. The end result? 1. I didn't Shake as badly. 2. I did stay awake all through math, but with each yawn, tears just wanna squirt out and i knew i was annoying the hell out of thong beside me. Haha. Fun. Right, after math, was going to head home but the guys kinda changed my mind by saying crap like, " don't sisi run home la!, and ' aiyo never spend time with us', or " must study together for the last time la ". So yeah. I did stay in coll. Came home, wanted to hit econs straight away ( cause staying back i knew too well we werent gonna study and we didn't ), so i took a nice long shower, came into my cold room, put on some fancy house clothes, hahaha, and just fell asleep. Just like that. A few smses did wake me up, but i kinda slept all the way till about 8 plus. Aisehh. Anyway, got on fb and good to see kar lau uploaded a few pic of us the lpu8 gang. I stole a few to show you ppl here. haha. Oh and there was the rotaract shoot too. Let's start with the Rotaract shoot. it's hilarious.
I wanna thank Kristy for these pics. Priceless :) So yeah, we rotaractors are very nice people, very well mannered and like to keep it down it public. Ya think? Don't let the first pic fool you.

Ahem. Right, as I was saying..hahaha!! That was one fun day, our last meeting as a board this sem though =( Then here comes a pic from that legendary pangkor trip with me gang in 07, This pic is just downright, disgusting to some. Funny to most. Heard of the sea cucumber?
First time i held this thing in the boat, it ejaculated white crap. No Kidding. The guide said it was glue or sumthn like what squids do. protection mechanism. haha and the guide named it
" Mamak Kotek ". LMFAO. Anyway, i like how kev is looking at it, trying to fantasize abt god knows what with the sea cucumber XP. On a personal note, WTF! I was that round-faced before i left for NS..
Last picture. You know, everyone will boast about, their cliques and their gangs and stuff, and yeah it's cool. Only you would know the extent of how much you love/miss/hate/ your bunch of friends. I've heard them all. Now hear mine. They aren't my friends. I call them FAMILY!! :D
We shared a bond, 5 years in the making. If theres a reason why people cherish high school times, i'm sure this would be a key factor. I know it's mine. Look at the pic, they say it already illuminates a thousand words. I agree. 21 people, 21 different lives and backgrounds, 21 characters, 21 different ambitions, 21 best friends, 1 memory. LPU8 06-07. CHEH WAH EMO SIAL hahah, aights, back to econs. So here's the pic.
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