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So I've been writing..
And no, i'm not gonna quote myself on my own lyrics, that would be lame. But I do have something to share with you guys! =) See, i've had this song idea for a couple of weeks already, and I've finally found the time to convert it into a full song, and personally, this song lyrically, is a benchmark for me, cause I've never written from this perspective. So let's begin.
The song is called Runaways. Pretty obvious why. I'll Post the lyrics below, the song is in the minipod to the right. Hope you guys like it, and yeah do comment if you want to, and if it's cool that'll just spur me on to write more new material. And i'll post it them here for you guys to listen to it, before anyone else does. lmao my very own exclusives! haha chehh wahh..aite then have a listen and share your thoughts! cheers.
30 dollars , junk car
It's all I have..
Streetlights are dim tonight
Parked outside your parents house..
Shattered window first floor
It's a wild and crazy plan and my heart is racing
But the thought that I'm with you just feels so amazing
It's like i'm holding my breath just to watch you dance
And tonight we're gonna run makes no difference
I'm waiting for you to show
In a white dress with my heart in hand
And the last thing I want for you
Is to runaway with me leaving heart behind for them
Talk about a runaway..
Plans we made in 3rd grade
Now I'll dream your dream for you it's like a movie reel
Where everything we say has it's own pretty feel
Shall we step into the limelight for a minute or two?
Let it shine down on us for you, My Beautiful
I'm waiting for you to show
In a white dress with my heart in hand
And the last thing I want for you
Is to runaway with me leaving heart behind for them~ THE END ~

Taken from Atreyu's Untitled Finale ,Brandon Saller sang ," This could all end in tragedy "And so, having no idea why I quoted that, I begin blogging about the CNY hols so far. First of all, yeah, happy chinese new year to the chinese. Red, rich and noisy. My perception of cny. Other than that, the rest of us do appreciate the holidays, not so much that we lose our friends and in my case assignment buddies to their own respective hometowns, which leaves me doing double duty. Cool. I take it like a man. Oh wait. I'm done with them anyway. I was promised free starbucks and a mcvalue meal of my choice. It's all business.Before anything else, just stating out that theres something wrong with my fucking shoutbox, so if theres anything worth shouting about, comment dulu, and i'll get another shoutbox up soon.That leaves me blogging about last weeks' events then. Thursday night, COH-ing and Brad's, and me and Kev were given a 5 minute decision to follow Brad and fam to Genting. It would have been insane to say no. At the same time, it would have been insane to say yes too. But we went with him anyway. So a big congratulations to Bernard Chan for driving up Genting Highlands. He'll be the first amongst us to do so. Not bad man. Take it easy during bends though hahaha.So we got there, didn't have much to do but LAN COH, and yeah we all brought our HP army. Next day Kev left early so Brad and bro wanted to watch Inkheart, and I tagged along. Wasted rm12 for that movie though i didn't pay for it. Then later was all pool snooker and more pool. I got bored after a few rounds, getting my ass kicked by Alvin was fun, and i left to go do what i do best in first world plazza, which is window shoppin at B.U.M City..muahaha! So walking in, this girl was walking out. My first glance and I was like, aik, damn familiar face. And without thinking i called out ' Claudine? 'She didn't hear me cause apparently she was on the phone with her headset. Haha. I didn't give up. I was so confident it was her that i actually stalked her into Speedy. She was browsing for music cds and i purposely went right beside her and picked a cd next to the one she was eyeing. And that, was how we ' bumped ' into each other. Spent the rest of the time at starbucks catching up one life. She mentioned i looked different about 10 times. And, i got to know about her split with Alvin chew and now she's currently with, Hadry Hyzan, again. Interesting yet small small world. And in some way, it was fun catching up with ex classmates. 1 friggin year plus. Miss them all. We left around midnight plus, cause Brad decided to drive home in the fog, which was super uber cool man. More kudos to you, sasquatch.
LOL the pic got retarded. Claud and me @ me 1stopcaffeineshoppe'
Then came the weekend, and wretched assignment research begin. Bloody boring hols too. Haven't heard and seen much of the wulf and the pilot. Hilmi's back though, and this friday we're planning an outing/yam cha session with most of the gang. Oh and my ang pau this year, rm 0. Yay. But i, ripped my sis and mum off for abt 200 bucks to go buy new bball shoes, my first ever bball shoes. muahaha. speaking of which. Me and brad came across cyberdunk, this really cool bball management game. At least sumthn to kill the boredom with for the time being. And that again, reminds me. On Sunday i think, after me and brad went to go get customized sport jerzes, we hooked with sharon to go play bball. Wow she's good. Real good. nowonder she got made captain in u8. lol. i do like her point guard style with that swift yet effective board-thingy. lol no word for it. Other than that. Jamie Jaymezz invited me to her open house tmrw, but i can't fucking reach Julian and now i have no idea how to get there. Bus/cab to aeon is a good start i guess. lol That's about it for the midweek i guess. Besides me waiting for a certain someone to come back from hometown so we can continue where our chapter stopped.

Lol i'm like a very happy kid with new candy
The Lowdown Few things this week, starting with
~! check it out you bball fans.
~ Lamenting City - Axel Coon . Passed to me by Sashi, and it is now the only shuffle song i like.
and i never thought i could ever like shuffle music.
~ Bubba Gump!!! =)

From the words of Don Mclean,
" Portraits hung in empty halls ,
Frameless heads on nameless walls,
With eyes that watch the world and can't forget,
Like the strangers that you've met.."
- Taken from the song Vincent/Starry Night.
Okay, i'll explain the script above later, as you'll hear about in my assignment section below. Watssup humans, it's been a decent week so far, and midway through, I have found some embers of inspiration to blog tonight. But just recapping the monday ; loads of homework. The tuesday ; more assignment work. Today, pretty normal. And management is starting to become my fav subject this sem. Right. Let's hit the point, and go to the reason why I wanted to blog.
Vincent Van Gogh. I'm pretty sure the most of you out there, have no frigging clue who this stylo sounding gentleman is, upon me mentioning him here. Well, Mr. Vincent, so happened to be my english assignment. Yes. I was bummed out, and my classmates too. My first spark of memory from the name? Da Vincci's yam cha buddy or something. Which was close. After watching the slideshow, I've come to know that Vincent was an artist, painted the majority of his life in Arles , France. A loner, an emoist, and a pioneer in the exppressionist art division. So we also got to see his paintings. The first decade of paintings were... Crap shit scary alright. Goth ass. But later on they became absolutely drop dead gorgeous. And for the first time in my life i really adored a painting! which never happens. Like. In the sims, i'd just buy a wall painting to boost the comfort of my sims' home. But now I guess I truly do know how it feels, and why i'd want to own one myself someday, regardless of price, but I'm getting a painting from Vincent, that's for sure. Next, our assignment was, as absurd as this sounds, and to the groans of the entire DBAD class, we were to write journals of our own thoughts about Vincent and or his paintings and what they meant. Pretty fucked up, that part. A journal, is sort of an essayish diary that people use to log their travels or something happy and stuff. Not about we thought about some crackpot old man la for fucks' sake. But anyway, i'm almost done with my journal, as i'm a little ahead of the rest of the class, and about 1482 words later, I have taken a liking to mr. vincent van gogh, through my own words. Weird. But oh well. I'll share with you some of his paintings that i've come to like..a lot..

' Irises from Arles ' - irises looked good. I never knew. I'm writing a song with the same title now btw.

' Starry Night ' - my personal fav. A song was written by Don Mclean with the same title.

' Courtyard' - very classy, i kinda like places like that.

Vincent Van Gogh self-portrait.
So that ends the Vincent saga crap. Moving on! Monday and Tuesday was in a way, all about bubble tea. Now me and Izzy can't go to class without bubble tea. It is simply a must,

Heres the place the students, including us, flock to get out daily dose of bubble tea!
And later on in class..was maths. Dengan boringnya we had 5 pages of excercise. So what i did in between questions?

Lol it's a new style of camwhore.
Oh and. Econs. My goodness. Our lecturer explained the different varieties of text books that we could get to complete our assignment. And i like a hero, went to the library, got a 900 page book, photocopied the whole thing for 40 bucks, and the next day, lecturer said, oh i actually i meant this book, and she gave me a copy of a puny hashim ali book. Fuck you, bitch.

The sad difference between rm40 john sloman and the puny hashim ali, f.o.c.
Luckily, to take my mind off screwed up days like these, theres always COH with my partner in war, Fieldmarshal Heinz, aka Kevin V to you people. No we're not nazi axis crazy or anything, it's just artistic passion for an era long gone okay.Blitz-ing is friggin fun. Don't believe me? take a look. screw all your maples and shyttt. heres the real rts deal. tanks.

Well to wrap things up this midweek, just a couple of words left, sounding like this. Streamyx sucks!

Alex Gaskarth once said
" I'm at it again
Caught up in the moment
But not in the right way "
Lol. So the weekend is about to end, and theres not much to blog about, i'm just adding highlights of the week. Let's discuss the quote. See, although it's just the end of the second week of coll and stuff, i feel like i've taken it all for granted. I should be pounding math but i'm not, writing my management essays, and i'm only a page down. Hahaha. Early slacker. So it's time to get back on track. After this post. hehe.
So! During the week, there was a very interesting management class. On wed, Pn. Vasanthi asked us to make an origami, and write our goals/ambition on it, and in what field of management. Most of us were caught off guard really. It seriously did make me think long and hard, and heres what my head came up with. I, am an ambitious person. I'm confident when i'm confident and when that happens, things usually happen for me la. So i'm not sure how true this statement would be, but one day, i'm gonna be a C.E.O. running a huge ass company!! ahaha and so i wrote that down, and explained it to the class. By the end of the class I felt as if i already knew what i wanted. I could pan out my future..c.e.o. huh..
The rest of the week, i flunked classes for intima club week, where all the clubs do their orientations and meetings and stuff. This semester, i 'dikena tarik' by the " mighty one", to join Rotaract Club, which is the big brother to Interact club. Everything from community to leadership camps, you name it. For more info, check us out here at .
So, ( i abuse so's don't i )the first rotaract meeting was damn fun. Our president, Benjamin Tan, national handball player..fuyoo, is the reason why i dikena paksa to join the club. Apparently their board, well, natalie and susan i think, will be graduating and they need younger hands to take over important director roles in the club, so thats where we come in this sem =) First activity was crazy. Their version of a ' welcome ice breaking' is to pound us and humiliate us around campus. lol but it was good fun lar. cause they are damn sporting. even benji joined us, getting face paint and egged an all. Right choice of club this sem i hope. More on rotaract in the next few weeks, i am going to be one very active rotaractor =)
Jamming! We recorded Peter and Jane. But. Lots of work still needs to be done. Sat 8pm - Sunday 11.20am, was all about Jayden Forays time..thanks for an amazing time, you..ily.
And the rest of sunday was spent like this. Kev, Thurai, Justin and me all cramped in my tiny room, for LAN!! COH, is not just a pastime hobby. It is an art. If any of the 3 of you are reading this, and if in favour, say AYE! boom. Right then. It's time to go write up the essay. So, i'll be leaving you ppl with some huge ass pictures from the week.cheers.

haha me and william dancing at the first station. rotaract activity

Chicken wings at justin's

I was seriously admiring my sony ericsson looking back at me. lmao!
Well. Just for fun. Sky Palace proudly presents,
Credits to kev.
Matthew Sanders once wrote
" This ride that takes me through life ,
Leads me into darkness but emerges into light ,
No one can ever slow me down ,
I'll stay unbound "
Lyrics from the man, the legend himself, M. Shadows. That chorus is pretty meaningful don't you think? Anyway, it's been quite a long week already though only Tuesday, but a lot can happen in a few days. Almost a week since i last popped here anyway. So we'll backtrack. Last Thursday. If there was something to hate about coll this sem, it would be the new class blocks. It's far, it stinks of fresh paint and the atmosphere is just crap. Morning class was fine. But when it came to maths at 4, i arrived half an hour late, and found myself the only student in class. Oh wow. Mr. Bala laughed himself wet. But luckily Gun, that's his short name from gan siew i think, save the situation before it turned into a one-on-one lesson. If it was a lecturess, okay lar. But not with Mr. Bala. Crack-pot old man. And hey, whats new with maths? We're learning sets again. whee.blame justin. whee.
So, friday, is jamming day, where 5 guys come together and release tension or stress or whatever it is that needs to be forgotten for a bit, in a little place we call the studio, ss19. I kinda wanted to introduce to the band a new song i've been working on, but i didn't have a name for it yet. The song was bloody fun to jam and i could tell we all had fun. Towards the end, i had a flash of thought. So..the couples that people do get inspired from would be the Sid and Nancy's, The Romeo and Juliet's, the Adam and Eve's..But wait. Remember growing up in kindergarten reading ladybug books? A1 all the way to E9? Who where the legendary couple, immortalised in kindergarten reading forever and ever?
Peter & Jane.
Hahaha so that's what we decided to name the song. Theres an acoustic version of the song that i recorded, which was the first rough version, and you can listen to it in the minipod to the right. And fyi, that minipod will contain all the acoustic songs from time to time written for my ( Jayden Forays) projects or fer the banddd.wheee.
was awesumm. i love weekends. who doesn't right? wahaha. saturday..was the day i had planned to meet up with jyen, and so we did. gotta find more days to tell her how much i miss her from time to time, and coll can try it's very best to make me not miss her but fact over fiction i do. every minute of every day. till we meet up la. it's really good to know that she'd doing her very best to prepare and cope with the ups and downs of the form4-5 life, and i'll be there for her when she needs me. so walked her home about 7ish. Kev and justin picked me up for dinner. After dinner. Party at kev's place. His parents went to genting for the night. So. 4 guys, empty house, 1 bottle of chivas. You do the maths. Me and kev sorta reignited to tiger tank craze on company of heroes, and we played into the first ray of sunlight. Sunday was a little less kerayyzee. Woke up super late, went for lunch with family at kampung, then headed to Ikea to go furni shopping fer my room and stuff. Bought, a new office style chair. Which is where my ass is parked on right now. And a table but i'm yet to fix it up. muahahaha.
Moving on to the new week. Monday blues. Morning jam. Afternoon Jam. Comming home jam. What the fuck. Yes, one more time. What the fuck. I think theres a quote from justin in kev's blog that was really cool about the jams that happen in my coll area. It really should be a tourist location. Today was no different. Mum was fetching me, and we got stuck near the entrance of that damn sri ki for nearly an hour, well just mum really, cause after 10mins i decided to get out and walk. haha. So. Coll today.hmm. interesting. English class mixed with the DBADI and CBF students, which tolls up to 40 in the class. Came late, everyone stared, went and sat with my fellow entreprenuers, and got all my tenses correct anyway. Good first class. Managing was a lot more fun. Assignments already out and it's due in week 6. Somewhere close to after cny. Holy Crap. And again, it's a SWOT analysis. Which, for all you non business gizmos would mean Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunity and Threats to a major company. Interesting. Our group gonna sapu the marks again i'm sure. If only veno and izzy can focus for a full 6 weeks, that is.
And that about wraps up this midweek so far. Plenty more to come i'm sure. Owh ya. Forgot to mention, hehe, Yesterday. Monday morning. Kevin V actually thought i died in the fire. haha. never knew there was a fire? not involving my house. go read his blog for the fire details. till next entry. go flippa' somewhere else. Oh and btw. Matt Sanders, = M. Shadows, Avenged Sevenfold, Unbound the wild ride.
The year is 2009. And not much has changed, since the last entry i popped here. Ever since then, things has been, ' fast forwarded' , if there was ever such a word. For college, assignments were due, exams came and went, did not smash the scoreboard like I had hoped but i'm satisfied with being second best. Life outside college, was where the butter was to bread. Sky Palace, we're on a different cloud. Creativity seems endless whenever we have free time. We're a band that doesn't like doing covers, we really prefer the originiality of our own. Then, theres family, friends and her. It has been such a journey in 2008.
The year 2k9, started off with a bang, rather than a whimper. It has been the best start to a new year i could have ever wished for. And that set the tone for the rest of the month, the year pretty much, cause I am going to live off that energy, i just know it. Three days later, even better. What other way to start off a new semester with a lil' afternoon delight first? Love is in the air. Literally. So, to coll. Orient. was fun. Hope i caused a stir amongst the freshmen. 'Business is a skill, not a tool' - Adrian Tan, DBAD.
5th. New sem, new course mates, the same old g.p.a. rush. I missed the first period of econs cause i was paying at the enrollment office, and that cost me, cause apparently, they started learning. Thanks to Izzy who saved me some notes, my late appearance and heroic entrance was forgotten. 6th. Pretty much the same, collected receipt, and headed for management class in the new blocks, which is somewhere along the rows of Shakeys Pizza. Went in, and there was only 4 of us plus our new lecturer, Pn. Vasanthi. First impression? She's darned nice. Too nice. Both me and Izzy agreed this class would be similar to Marketing, just without the bobbly Mr. Dennis. And by the way, we fureeking hate our timetables. Period. I have a 6hour break in between econs and english. wtf?
7th. So it seems i was born today. First person to wish me was xian jin, but she cheated cause she wished me on the 6th. So that makes the answer hard. But anyway, first person i care about who wished me would be WJY. Aye. ily, you.
So in the morning. Say, 5.15? I kinda trodded to her area, we met up before her school and just walked and chat, and i got my birthday presents..perfect way to start a day, let alone my birthday.
Went to coll, and got whacked. Well. Thanks guys. But heres the funny part. Presents. All of them have been one themed and rather weird. Boon Thong, gave me 5 bucks. thnx mate. Izzy and Veno! gave me this bottle, filled with some strange looking liquid. At first i thought it was some cheap joke hair gel la, since i cut my hair and all. Then Izzy laughs while saying " hey, it's lube! ".
Right. SO my bandmates wanted to take me out for dinner. how nice. they picked me up from coll too, at arnd 6, and on the way to the 'secret place', kev threw me a lil wrapped box, and they all wished me. nice. i ripped it open and found - Playsafe/Assorted Deluxe Condoms/Made for pleasure wtf/AromatiC/3pcs. well thanks for the gift guys. reached parade. i knew it was gonna be tgif. ate abt 250 bucks worth of food, and i didn't have to pay a cent..wahaha nicee. so well. that sums up my birthday, really. Nothing interesting yet to blog abt, but i'm just keeping up to date, for now, so till more happenings happen. heres that section again. i think its called..err
The Lowdown
~ i have this bad habbit of waking up at odd times to blog/write/get inspired.
~ i miss you wjy
~ tak boleh join youth09 botb. tak puas. nvm. april justea coll botb next
~ Currently listening to..
1. Sugar Rush by Cash Cash
- this song always brings her to mind. always. and everything about her. lyrically, i go craving
2. Love Story by Taylor Swift
- no explanation needed.
~ I could go on, but i'll stick with these 2 for now.