it's a sunday morning. everyone is asleep. or rather should be. good. in a few hours time the world around me will awake, and i shall go to sleep. i like it that way. most of the time i blog around these times. lol. the still and silent of night is my bittersweet harmony. so the weekend. well. it's weird. i could use a lot of words. going through the motions. playing off emotions. but i get through. i do =) with a little help, from my FRIENDS! I FUCKINGGGG LOVEEE YOUUUU PPL! :D i know im making a lot of noise. but fuck what the neighbours think. hell, fuck what you think. so let's see hmm. okay yah i just remembered. its been sometime since i got prudence's msg about some outing today. to celebrate her bday with chris. anyway, me me me and kevvvvie and bradddyy and the wulfff and and the korean girl boy toy wanted to gooo shopping for stuff for the upcommin giggg in penang. so since we were there, and kev wanted to meet up with xian jin, we all crossed paths. nice seeing them again. lots of friends. cant rmbr. with my head like this erm. i rmbr chris the most. i talked to him a lot. lol. once my heir for sumthn only we both knew was sacred. march march march march :D triple k. it was nice catching up with him, im happy and proud for his band criskroz i think, if i spelled it right. but they are damn good and i wish them well! go chris! oh and we planning to meet up for regular lunches in ss15, since both our colls are near. kar weng, rmbr, when got nice ripe fruits call us yah. we drive over makan with u. lol!
after meeting them, went play pool with them. i beat prudence flat. she fought hard. but too bad i won anyway. haha. she was 80% laughing at im not sure what. but bnut braddiee bernard helped her so i was handicap but i won weh! give me kudos. lollol. so xj and kev went dinner, me and beng and brad wanted dinner, and the boys left i forgot where, prudence and mei xin ikut us home. i somehow suggested my fav place in the world to eat pan mee. FACE TO FACE!! wahaha. so makan there. both of them liked the food. good.after send them home, plan to lan at my place. came over bt didnt do much. fuck it la. best thing about 2nite is probably my henny kenny beery and the 2 whisky colaaaaaa downed. sorry yah i kaki botol. dnt fire me benjamin. i'm the best at what i do. i'm gonna sky rocket the international division =) nana nana nanana.whoa when ur tipsy, every song u listen to syok weh. boleh rasa. lolol. some pics! just for the sake of pics. shut up and scroll down to the next portion. oh and arsenal. wtf.

braddd. my pan mee partner in crime xD

ini dua orang sesat

izzy " look at him la. eyes getting puffy tapi masih horn E, muka dah la cam nak tido mati, lips dia always tunjuk message bukan bukan. " LMFAO! i nvr knew a better asshole who can interpret pics on the first view.
okay. no seriously. i really am concentratin really hard to write this part properly, fully focused. okay. i'm good to go. ROTARACT CLUBBB WHEEE!!! My new passion. Since i got over 132, was wondering if i was ever going to be a part of sumthn of the same? fuck yeah. sure i would. lol. rotaract is the bomb man. we're all family. we're all friends. its just the best. greatest ppl with the best personality. not to mention we're all damn good looking. ahem ahem Natalie, paid me to say that. haha! but its true. best club in district, richest club in coll. i've been in it one month and now i'm going to be the next ****************** ooops but for now Fel is pretty busy so ive taken over time being as the clubs international director, and my task is to raise funds for international orgs. eg, projects laaaa. its for chatterbox! and ive spent the week planning, since its a good way to not screw my head and emotions arnd, i had to keep focus, or im gonna think and think. no good. whehe. so yup!! as a board member, i am proud to invite all to come to our green event on the 6th of march! its a friday, and its pure concert. i'm performing btw, and you guys can buy tickets from me! =) so pls do!! WWF is will be there, and tickets are rm5. 2.50 goes to wwf. =) hmm. i'll jst share sikit sikit. shhh. my dream team over the next sems. =) BRAD CEPAT INTI MALI!! vice p. bernard chan. theres gonna be plenty of places in the board =) IZZY, i want u in. amelia, u too. cheng kit, if you want too. farhan! u too! natalie, i hope u stay as comm director =) i'll need to look arnd the entire coll to scout board talent. dang dang.

this ticket, u ppl buy from me kayy? must must buy.
Now. I'm serious. As of right now, i'm 5 days and 18 hours away. From the biggest performance. of my life. Our lives, in terms of the band. Are we ready? of course. we've been working so hard. i hope we make an impact., and what not, will be around. with all those other huge local bands, and yeahp, its an honor to be playing there with them. we've rented a van. rm1.2k. good deal. 12 of us, the band, and izzy ( i love you bro!!!) and boon thong cmin, and kevs coll mates cmin too, chee yan too! friends=) the best. thnx 4 the support ya'll! ok ok. song list!!
1. Undertable Romance
2. Halo Lady
3. Roses
4. Peter & Jane
5. shhh. it's a suprise.
whahaa..yup. you guessed it. all our OWN songs. fuck yeah. beat that loser cover bands. bet no1s hear halo and roses yet. hehe. so thats our set up. im seriously focusing all my strength and mental powress onto this gig, cause its massive. beyond hyped. well. thats a lie. havent felt it for a week. but i am going to i swear. excited. uhmm hmm. so after gig, sat night i hope poling can take us out clubbing la. show us the penang night life. gonna have a blast there. hpefully. cming back sunday. wheeeeeeeeee
Now. what's all this rubbish i hear? adrian is adrian no more? cheerful boy got soft and moody? i don't give a fuck frankly, about what you think about me. Ok. maybe its true, people do change. but its none of your damn business. you brag about your greatness at the helm, go ahead. your position speaks for you. congrats. applause. So listen here limpdickfuckups. firstly, i'm gonna be unbreakable. you won't even...touch. me. yet alone try. 2ndly. watch your back. u never, ever turn your back on a rattlesnake. i'm taking your spot. be preped. the day i break, is the day the beat of my heart stops somehwere out there. my heart beats in another. my significant other, which reminds me. wjy i have always wrote from the heart. and i damn sure know i am sober enough to say this, i frgging love you forays, and till death, till my death. so heed this world,
My name remains the same, but you'll hardly recognize me again. that, i guarendamntee you. =)

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never call me lar
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