It's simply a tribute to the songwriters who have inspired me to write the way I do. You may know some of them, and you may not. Well, my lyrical writing have come under attack from ALICIA and many other non-lyric writing losers, so let me spell it out for you people. =p
The bands that I listen to, they don't write about what a nice day it is, you know? We as lyricists write about things that we're in, or were once in. Hint hint? Love. Listen around you, jarrheads. It's everywhere. People sing about it. Boys sing about girls. Girls sing about boys, how else shall i spoon feed you? I was trying to finish up lyrics last night when ally said stop writing songs about girls. Nahh. If I do, then there's nothing to write about =) Everyone up there, would agree with me, bar(to an extent further) for Ryan Ross of PATD. The lyrical genius quoted on wiki as below
"I try to think of the person who's worked an eight-hour day, the person who gets in the car and puts on their radio. I'd like them to hear a song that makes them feel happy for three minutes rather than something that makes them more depressed than they already are. We're not afraid to write about love or being happy. We have an entire culture that is either provocative or negative. It's so geared toward being shocking that it no longer manages to shock. They've pushed it as far as they can go both sexually and in terms of anger. Which is why we're here, to provide something different."
They're going in a direction away from all the writing that has so much bottled up sexual themes, and i can think of so many artists who writes in that department. And they ain't gonna do a Slipknot anytime soon too. So kudos PATD. For the rest of us. Keep writing the way we love to, about what we love, Love. Be it romance, be it heartbreak, just write from the heart. Wheee =D
Oh and totally not related. If you're a Seafieldian and missed out on us the last leo time, come see us play for interact club's event this sunday. We didn't get a chance to play 3OH!3 the last time, so this time we will. Even more weirdness, erm. Synclonize Crew is performing before us. Interesting. It'll be nice watching tim dance though.
lol no,no,no, adrian. i'm stubborn ^^
stop writing about babes. if you'll remembah, try writing about boys instead! :D
like that ' im gay ' song u tried to write? hahahahahahaHAHAHAahaha pls laaaa..
YES! our gay song! hahahaha. rereading ur post..ahem ' you and me all awkward and sweaty in this empty room u do just what i tell u'. not sexual themed u telling me? you fake faker. =P
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